Based on a recent blog posting, I received a message from a man I had never met before. His message read:
"I just received your book announcement. . . I'm encouraged to see something published on public sector marketing. I chair the Education Committee of (an SMPS) chapter. I'll add you to our list of potential future speakers."
I had marketed a number of SMPS chapters for speaking opportunities during the 2009-2010 program season, but had not -- for reasons I no longer remember -- included that chapter in my effort.
Since speaking engagements make up a large part of my marketing effort, and are responsible for a number of projects coming my way, I love getting messages like that.
When I wrote "The Fast Lane," a column in the Zweig A/E Marketing Letter, I received a number of requests for help whose solutions ranged from quick answers to strategic marketing consultations to complete development of new SOQs and proposals. Those opportunities were a big part of why I wrote that column for 3+ years.
In 2009, I had speaking engagements in Chicago, Orlando, Seattle, Spokane and Cincinnati, and also conducted a pair of webinars based on my new book ("A Horse of a Different Color: Marketing in the Public Sector" -- available at All five "in-person" sessions were followed by brief discussions about helping an attendee's firm with a strategic or marketing issue.
So far, in 2010, I'll be speaking in Washington DC (SMPS chapter, January 27) and Indianapolis (SMPS Heartland Regional Conference). With luck, each of these sessions will be followed by similar discussions, ending in projects large or small.
This fall and winter, I've been writing for PSMJ's A/E Rainmaker newsletter and the IOMA Principal's Report. Again, with luck, readers of these two publications will contact me with projects.
And that's the value of visibility to a firm like The Siben Consult, LLC. Every opportunity for visibility -- whether in person or in writing -- is a marketing activity. My business is significantly fueled by my success rate in converting these opportunities to real projects.