First of all, I hope all my readers had a wonderful and safe Christmas holiday, and that we'll all have an equally great and safe New Year's Eve.
Now, on to today's thought.
When I was a youngster, my mother thought the sun rose on my left shoulder and set on my right. And she frequently praised even my smallest, least important efforts. But praise in one's professional life is generally harder to come by.
I wrote an article for the September issue of CE News ("So you want to be a project manager?"). I received some emails with feedback about the article, and was pleased that some readers had found enough value in my writing to contact me with their comments. I was so tickled by the emails that I forwarded them to the magazine's editor. I thought it ended there.
This afternoon, I finally found some time to catch up on my reading, and picked up the November issue of CE News. At the top of page 10, I discovered two of those emails - the editor had elected to publish them as "Letters." Finding those two letters in the magazine was as big a charge as seeing my article in the first place!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to point out this article to any of my readers who might not usually see CE News, and to brag just a little about the letters of praise.
AND to let you know that I have another article in the December CE News. That article is about strategic marketing.
Happy New Year!