Years ago, if you couldn't figure out something about your computer, a colleague or a friend would tell you, "Go ask your 12-year old!" There were a lot of 12-year olds, and some even younger kids, who seemed to know a lot more about computers than any other folks, with the exception of programmers and IT managers.
For these kids, computers were the natural way. They didn't have to think about it. Many of them didn't even remember a time when there were no computers.
Just like learning a foreign language. To become really fluent, you must learn to think in the foreign language rather than thinking in English and translating in your head. Which means starting young.
The other afternoon, working at an Austin coffee shop, I met Aviv Levy, who is affiliated with a California company that teaches robotics to young kids, in schools, camps and other venues. I think this is a great thing because children don’t have preconceptions causing negative impacts on learning. They learn quickly many things that grown-ups find improbable, or even impossible.
At Aviv’s suggestion, I checked out the company’s website,, and found programs for kids in grades 4-12, with classes taught in schools and camps. There is even a program, Vex IQ, which transforms the typical STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) learning into robotics challenges involving teamwork, robot skills and programming.
I know there are many smart people working in the field of robotics. They have learned to make robots that handle a number of repetitive, mind-numbing activities on assembly lines in all kinds of factories all over the world.
But the average person still isn't sure he or she is in favor of robots doing jobs that could be done by people who get paychecks — assuming, of course, that people want to do those jobs and had (or could acquire) the knowledge required to do so.
So it's probably better to "get" those people when they are impressionable children, when they are still capable of pretending and inventing all sorts of improbable things just because.
Aviv then told me about his new Austin start-up called RoboCode Kids, which will provide classes in robotics and computer programming for kids in grades K-12.
One of RoboCode Kids’ primary products is Rokit Smart, which — much like Vex IQ — also transforms the typical STEM learning experience into robotics challenges involving teamwork, robot skills and programming.
We started talking about robotics and engineering, and I started wondering if there was (or would be) some way the design/ construction industry might use robotics in the future. Here’s what developed in my brain over the last few days.
As robotics advances, and we can build more assured accuracy — tighter tolerances — into robotic machines and the computers that control them, and deploy them wherever they are needed, it might become possible for some construction tasks (perhaps drilling or welding) to be robotized.
And not to downplay the brains currently working on this, but it will probably involve people who are still so young now that they will think of robots as a “natural” part of their world.
As those youngsters grow up, their focus won’t be on “can a robot do this?” so much as on “how can I design and build a robot that will do this?” For example:
- As buildings get taller and taller, designing and building robots that can work on the 300th or 400th floor might become important.
- As we move toward building factories on the moon and larger asteroids — science fiction again becoming fact, the question of how to design and build robots that can work in vacuum will become important.
President Woodrow Wilson is reputed to have said, "I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow."
Much of what we take for granted today was imagined in the science fiction of 50-100 years ago. As we move into a future that looks increasingly like yesterday's science fiction and fantasy, we must not be afraid to borrow brains — even if we borrow them from a 12-year old.
It's not about a brain's age, but about its content.